Monday, November 21, 2005

Resource for Simplifying the Holidays

Simplify, simplify, simplify! I’ve always been a big fan of making things simple and a few years ago I came across this great organization called Center for the New American Dream. Their mission statement says: We work with individuals, institutions, communities and businesses to conserve natural resources, counter the commercialization of our culture and promote positive changes in the way goods are produced and consumed.

I thought I’d share this resource with you because as the holidays approach, they can be a voice of reason for those who are stressed out by shopping and to-do lists. Their website contains information on how to live consciously, buy wisely and make a difference. It’s a great place to visit for inexpensive and meaningful holiday gift ideas, or for inspiration on how to make your holiday special.

Speaking of gift ideas, the Center recently conducted a holiday poll in which 62% of respondents said they were going to buy gifts this year that encourage saving, such as piggy banks and savings bonds. If you need help in that department, may I suggest your local credit union? ;)


Blogger YG Wong said...

Would like to know more...

I am with Credit Union Central of Ontario, and am preparing a piece on how blogs are used by credit unions (I realize you do not represent the view of Verity... but close enough!)

Could you please contact me? I would like to know more about "V," how it started, goals, issues, successes, etc...


Yee-Guan Wong
Communications Specialist
Credit Union Central of Ontario
2810 Matheson Blvd. East
Mississauga, Ontario
905.238.9400 * 800.661.6813, ext. 250
F: 905-238-8691

Wed Nov 23, 09:14:00 AM PST  

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